Monday, December 29, 2008

Kirtland Here I Come!

(Posted by Stephs's Dad 12-29-08)

Hi everyone!

I hope this fine morning finds you happy and healthy. I’m just getting ready to head over to the Crystal Clinic but they bumped back the surgery to 2:30 so I had some time this morning to actually write.

I did find out from one of our investigators that Crystal Clinic is one of the top surgical centers in Ohio—so I guess I’ll be well taken care of.

This past week was really great—we experienced a lot of opposition but the blessings just kept flowing. I know that the adversary works really hard to frustrate the work in order to debilitate and distract us as missionaries. Well, he didn’t succeed! We had a really great week and were able to see a lot of miracles.

We finished up delivering our Joy to the World referrals and I loved being able to go into homes of members’ friends and help them to feel of the spirit. We’re going to try to stop by a few of them again and I’m excited for it.

We were able to teach Emily again this week and she talked about how she’s finally beginning to be comfortable with prayer. We asked her if she’d prayed about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, to which she replied yes and that she knows that it’s true. I wanted to commit her right then and there! But we’ve been getting a vibe from her mom that we need to take things slow and give her opportunity to make the decision in her own time and way. I love seeing her progress though and I’m sad that I’ll miss out on her appointment this week!

We were able to teach a husband and wife named Dave and Sue. They are FANTASTIC and are planning on coming to church this next Sunday. They had great, probing questions and the spirit was really strong as we watched the Restoration DVD with them. Sister Van Meter said that she could picture the two of them as senior missionaries! Love it. We also have an appointment with them this week and I look forward to hearing how that goes as well.

So it’s true—I’m heading in for my surgery today. Sister Zirker, from Idaho Falls, Idaho, will be coming down with President and Sister Peterson today and will be with Sister Van Meter for the week. I’m way excited for them because Heavenly Father totally packed our week full of appointments and assignments from the PEC. I am really excited for Sister Van Meter and Sister Zirker to tear it up while I’m gone!

Not much else to report or say…I hope that you have a wonderful new year and that it’s everything you could ask for and more. I hope that the winding down of the holidays go well too.
I know that our Heavenly Father lives, He loves us and wants us to return to Him. I know that He provided a means for that return through the Atonement of His Only Begotten Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. The Atonement is truly the great equalizer in this life and enables us to overcome sin, death, and affliction. What grace! I am so incredibly grateful for His life and His sacrifice. We truly are blessed to have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ again available to us in beautiful simplicity; it's a privilege to represent the Savior and invite God's children to come to Him.

Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as I spend some quality time in beautiful Kirtland. You’ll be hearing from me again soon!

I love love love you.
Sister Cannariato

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